Himo (Koshihimo) Pure Muslin

I love to use muslin material (100% wool) for the strings(Koshihimo), which are easy to tighten and hard to loosen. Those made of 100% wool are called "Pure Muslin".
The strings are used to secure Nagajuban and kimono are folded state along the body.
I always fold Koshihimo and put it away in the paulownia chest. It looks beautiful.

Other materials include silk, cotton, linen, polyester, and rubber. There are also various lengths to choose from, so it is best to select one that suits you best. Be careful not to make them too long, as the excess portion may cause pain on the body. I use 216 cm.


When you are finished using the strings, hang them on a hanger to release their body heat and moisture. After that, they should be rolled up into a "Hachimaki-datami" and put away in a paulownia chest of drawers. The wrinkles from tightening the strings are naturally removed when the strings are folded in the Hachimaki-datami style, and when folded neatly, they look very beautiful!


Prepare the strings so that they can be taken off smoothly when dressing.

【How to make】

1.Fold in half with the edges aligned.
2.Pinch the end between your thumb and index finger and wrap it around four fingers.
3.After leaving about 20 cm, fold it up diagonally and insert it into the loop so that you can grab the center of the string.

紐 本モスリン








着付けの時、スムーズに紐を取れる様に準備をしておきます Let’s get ready for dressing

【作り方 Directions】