Comfortable and Simple Dressing.

Wear your kimono comfortably and beautifully. Enjoy your kimono time!〜 

Kimonos can be worn comfortably and easily, depending on how they are put on. By being able to wear a kimono with ease, you will be able to enjoy a full meal while chatting with friends, concentrate on your practice, and give 100% performance at a concert, etc. You will be free from the hassles you used to feel and have a fun and meaningful time.

I dress you beautifully. Besides, comfortable to wear.  

Comfortable and simple dressing begins with knowing your own body.
The goal is not to wear a kimono, but to enjoy the time you spend wearing it. That is why I put our heart and soul into dressing you beautifully and carefully so that you feel comfortable and not tightened. I will make you look beautiful and neat in appearance with a minimum of strings.

Kimono Dressing Theory

Unlike western clothes, which are three-dimensionally tailored to follow the lines of the body, kimono is a straight, flat garment. Therefore, it is necessary to put on a kimono by overlapping and folding it to conform to the uneven three-dimensional body. In addition, the strings are used to secure the folded state along the body.

“Where should I tie the strings to keep it in place?” “How much of the collar should be pulled?” “Where should I put the obi for a balanced and beautiful figure?” etc. All of how to dress kimono is done while interacting with the body. Therefore, it is important to know your body line first.

The cause of tight feeling and losing shape is in the "string"

It is a mistake to think that tying the strings tightly won't losing shape. To keep the kimono shape, the strings must be tied in the correct position. The correct position is where you are less likely to feel pain. In other words, it is very important to tie the string in a position where it is less likely to cause suffering. Furthermore, if the strings are tied too tightly, they can lose shape. The original function of the strings is to hold the kimono folded along the torso with moderate force. By adjusting the tightening position and force to suit your body, you can get a comfortable fit that conforms to your body

The key to a beautiful figure wearing a kimono lies in the "obiage".

Obiage is the most important factor in dressing a beautiful figure. The beautiful curve like a lip line has the effect of making the overall silhouette look clean and invites an impression of sophistication. The way it is shown will depend on the class and type of kimono. If the line seen from the obi has a beautiful curve, the beauty level will be enhanced.

Wear kimono comfortably and enjoy your favorite style to the fullest.
There are infinite ways to enjoy kimonos. The one and only kimono in the world to be made to order. That's my own special kimono. Remaking grandmother's or mother's kimonos and obi. And, playing with coordination using various patterns, materials, and accessories based on the motifs of the four seasons... The depth of enjoying kimono may be greater than that of western clothes.

I’ll give it everything I’ve got to make your time spent wearing kimono even more wonderful. I hope that each of you will enjoy your time with kimono in your own way, smile, have a moving experience, and enrich your mind, which will add color to your life. I would be happy if I could offer you such a blissful moment.

I offer a completely customized service to meet your needs.

Lessons and course content are customized to meet your needs
I provide go to your home, hotel, or any other location of your choice, or I provide do it online.

The lesson content is not assembled for each course as in the past, but is entirely tailored to the customer's needs.
“I can wear a kimono by myself, but I don't know how to coordinate it.” “"What should I wear to a wedding?" etc and what are the rules for TPO?” “How should I take care of it?” “How should I store them?” etc. Your worries are very different. I listen carefully to each individual's concerns and respond flexibly to their needs on a completely custom-made basis. My goal is to resolve your concerns and questions immediately so that you can continue to enjoy your kimono life on a daily basis.

Being in a relaxed state in a familiar environment will lead to better acquisition of techniques. I am available any time of the day, from early morning to weekends and holidays. All services are also available online

Dressing Anywhere

I provide go to your home, hotel, or any other location of your choice


Dressing Lesson

I would go to your home, hotel, or any other location of your choice and I provide give you lessons.
I offer lessons by the hour according to your needs.


Kimono Lecture Anywhere

I will answer all your questions and concerns about how to enjoy your time in Kimono. I provide go to your home, hotel, or any other location of your choice.
From one person to six people can take the course at the same time.

e.g.:Introductory kimono lecture/Coordinates lecture/TPO lecture/Polite behaviour lecture/Styling Service etc


Online Service           

Various services are also available via video call over the Internet. Please feel free to contact me.