Dressing Anywhere

I provide go to your home, hotel, or any other location of your choice. And I provide to dress you.


Separate payment of actual transportation costs will be required.


Dressing Lesson

I would go to your home, hotel, or any other location of your choice and I provide give you lessons.
I offer lessons by the hour according to your needs.
Online lessons are also available.


Separate payment of actual transportation costs will be required.

I plan to use Zoom as the method of communication, but please let us know if you have other preferences.


Kimono Lecture Anywhere

I will answer all your questions and concerns about how to enjoy your time in Kimono. I provide go to your home, hotel, or any other location of your choice.
From one person to six people can take the course at the same time.
Online lessons are also available.


Separate payment of actual transportation costs will be required.

Group lessons are ¥6,000 per person.

A separate fee of ¥2,500 per 15 minutes will be charged for extensions.

I plan to use Zoom as the method of communication, but please let us know if you have other preferences.


Online Service

The same services as face-to-face are also available via video call over the Internet.


I plan to use Zoom as the method of communication, but please let us know if you have other preferences.