Dress Code “White Collars Montsuki”

Definition:A formal Japanese women's kimono dress consisting of a long coat with dyed crests worn over a white-collared Nagajuban.

There are a variety of events in the world, and in some cases, there is a dress code as a rule for participation. For example, there are events sponsored by the government, such as "Conferment Ceremony, ceremonies, and celebrations.

At such events, there is a dress code for women in kimono called “White Collars Montsuki” which is considered formal attire. The dress code is further divided into formal, semiformal, and informal depending on the number of crests and the type of kimono.

A dress code is the appropriate attire for a given occasion. The attire you should choose depends on your position, whether you are the guest of honor or a guest of honor, and so on. I think that it is important to understand your position and decide on your attire. It is also important to have a good balance if you are accompanied by a companion.

While it is important to adhere to the dress code, the attire also expresses the minds and feelings of the wearer. If it is a festive occasion, people will choose their attire with the intention of saying "congratulations" and expressing their blessings.

Why not respect the moment and choose your attire carefully so that you can spend the precious time with all your heart and soul? I am sure you will enjoy the time you spend choosing.

定義:白襟の襦袢 の上に紋付きの長衣を重ね着した、女性の和服での礼装の装い。



